To be bothered...
My ultimate dream shouldn't be gold and rubies,
It should be a heart that's golden and kind,
I know you might think this piece is boring,
Bare with it even though you already yawning,
Our heart follows our minds I hope you know,
How else are dorky glasses cool this days?
Most that is beautiful around us are works of few,
Think about the orphanages and prison cells,
Foundations are started by the very few of us,
So few that those that start it are famous,
They are as famous as kissing,
Even the bonobo ape kisses you know,
No one has ever hoped for bad fortune,
Imagine yourself innocent but jailed for life,
It's like having eyes but unable to open them,
Just close your eyes now and feel that helplessness,
Imagine and orphan child denied all potential,
Imagine a sweeper without a career path to aim at,
Thank the heavens that at least you have possibilities,
Most that is beautiful around us are works of few,
Think about the school loan given to students,
It must have been a thought by one man,
Perhaps a greedy and rich one,
Who got moved by the struggle a voiceless student has,
What would be wrong if you pushed for such a suggestion?
Being a hero for screaming an opinion during a board meeting?
Giving children possibilities and opportunities,
At no cost but just a mere suggestion that blossoms,
Into a government policy that rescued many,
When you think of someone needy don't just think of your pocket,
let yourself get disturbed by the unfortunate,
You already and now have so much power,
To move an ocean at the snap of your finger,
If me and you got disturbed a little bit,
Just for five minutes a day or even less,
I promise you our hearts will start to feel something for the needy,
You want to feel something for the misfortunate,
It's your mind that clouds your heart of this feeling,
The moment you think of someone needy,
All you think that it is money that they need,
We are not asking you to look at your bank accounts,
I know times are hard and most of us are greedy,
Remember the greatest human need is contentment,
happiness makes us forget about our struggles,
Do you know how good it feels to talk and talk?
Everyone attentive and laughing at you jokes?
Sometimes all you need is to be an ear,
Let someone talk there mouths out to happiness,
The moment you think of someone needy,
All you think that it is money that they need,
Has something absolutely successful happened to you?
Your first urge is to call someone and talk about it;
For opportunities are not fortunes if not shared,
if you were given all the opportunities and nobody,
You will be as sad as nobody has ever been,
So bury your envy and be ready to let the other,
Share their life and fortune in words with you,
For you being human completes their success,
The moment you think of someone needy,
All you think that it is money that they need,
But you are so much more than your wallet,
You are a smile that infects a bored worker,
You are the comment that will lead a boss,
To re-direct his fortunes to a scholarship,
You are the voice that will encourage a child,
To grow up and find the cure to an incurable disease,
You do not have to be a venture capitalist,
To see the potential of the ones around you,
Since you feel pain when you open your wallet,
How about you notice talent in another and direct it,
The moment you think of someone needy,
All you think that it is money that they need,
Thanks to well directed energies we have pills,
Medicines that can chase a head ache like a thief,
Thanks to directed energies we do have rights,
You do realize someone thought it good that,
Your life be protected by a thought out concept?
The right to life? Freedom from torture?
these were merely thoughts you know,
That someone pushed so hard for,
Blood was shed for,
Just so that you and I can enjoy a better life,
No one asks you to shed blood like blood was shed for you,
All we want is a few minutes of your time,
To feel something for someone without,
To feel something for somebody who lacks,
To feel something for your brother and sister,
So that eventually you will do at least something,
That may even seem useless but will be a step,
In the direction to meet what a brother or sister needs,
We are all brothers and sisters you know,
The moment you think of someone needy,
All you think that it is money that they need,
You are so much more than you wallet,
Prove you are so much more,
Do something that will move,
A needy to need-less-ness,
They say giving is therapy,
Try to give,
Tell us how it feels,
Your personal experience.
Giving is therapy.
how comes donators never stop?