Friday, 25 November 2011

About Love or Writing?

I can buy cars,
I can buy gadgetry,
But I can't buy what's real,
And what is real is what you feel,
I can't buy that,
With all the glittery and flirty,
You might stick around,
But it's not the first time am here,
I know truth always out,
And the truth that you are hear for my glittery,
And for my flirty,
And not for who I am,
Not for what I can do,
That truth will show,
But right now that you are here,
Pretending you like seeing me all over the place,
Only to run mad and want me to stop,
Being so much in your space,
That truth will show,
And you will leave,
Block my everything,
Think no news about me,
Feels like blue balls,
Twirt block,
Pussy block,
Cork blocker,
Doesn't it?
You will leave honey,
You liked me and didn't know what I was about,
You were just being nice,
Or is it that I said hi,
Or someone asked you to like me?
Every time before I said something,
Flittered you a little bit,
We fucked,
We had fun,
But I know you are going to leave me,
The glittery is enough reason for you to stay,
But only for a while,
Cause I will be in your face,
And you will not like me,
And you will leave,
But now that you are here,
Let's have a good time,
Open your legs,
Bring your lips,
Let me show you off a lil bit,
You know human nature,
Whatever is taken is attractive,
And you are how I will trap a real one for myself,
Someone who loves me for me,
So that when you leave,
The new stays,
So that when you leave,
I will not feel used,
Cause I used you too,
Like you used me,
You used me,
And I used you to catch another,
Cause everyone likes what is taken,
Or can be taken,
Cause what can be taken,
Must have something sort after,