Friday, 25 November 2011

Hi Heaven...

To tell you the truth today am scared stiff, about... Let me start this properly though...

First of all God, forgive my sins, and not only my sins, my families since, you know they are closest to me, so forgive them, then next my friends. I know some of them have no idea what you are about mostly cause they haven't read Romans, please make them read Romans. But more importantly forgive their since, and everyone else's, and lastly my enemies. In that priority God forgive us through Jesus. Now I know You can hear my prayer better since after forgiveness I am sin-less.

Today God, I had a perfect day, almost perfect. Firstly I talked to my folks, we bonded though they sounded a little tired from the traveling. We really need a new good driver by the way, an honest one. One that will bring us good. Sorry, where was I? Yes, I had a perfect day. You know me God... A perfect day to me is a means to the end. You know I live today in a way that will determine how I will live tomorrow, but even as I am at it, I enjoy it today, cause I have one life. Let me get into details cause you are the one closest to my heart...

It all started like this God, I want a couple of things, one is comfort. So today I flipped the pages through Forbes, you know Forbes God, they have one for Africa now, and I will like to be in it one day. I went through it, learnt a couple of things or two. I also watched the show on NTV, the one at 1:30pm in the afternoon. It tells me about the market and all, I know we might try to organize the economy in our own way, but you see it better, you would organize it better. I will do all I can to out shine those you have blessed in my lineage cause that's what I believe is right, to do better than my predecessors, they would be proud they really would be. So how about Forbes? I would love to wear a blue, pink, no most likely red tie on it's cover, I am unsure but what I know is that I will look awesome.

If I make fortunes or not, I will run to all corners of the world and try to get the needy comfort too. I hope this shall work out. I did a lot of things today, all leading to my achieving tomorrow, and I also enjoyed the fruits of yesterday today. I remember I had it all, teenager me. I had all that money could buy, and I was so thirsty for people, for friends, remember how we lived under closed doors and gates. I learnt early that money isn't everything, relationships are, but not quite everything, but everything is a relationship with you. That's why I am up right now talking to you.

I have been telling you a lot, mostly "oh God I haven't read, save me from this one..." and once it is done get quiet for a while. "oh God I need a perfect day, I don't want to be a failure..." and then here is my almost perfect day, am happy, I enjoyed all it had to offer, and if all goes well, this day has shaped my future quite colorfully.

This is earth, so I know one day I will leave, Forbes list covers page will come, cars in fleets will come, premier world plane tickets too, but in the end when all is done where will I stay forever? If I can work so hard to do well in a paper, for a job I am unsure of, why can't I just work as hard to maintain my relationship with you...

Today I did it wasn't so much  "oh God I haven't read, save me from this one..."  today I actually opened the big book and listened. And you know what I read about rapture and I was scared. I know for Heaven to happen all I need to do is repent. I have, so please don't forget me. Don't forget me. I know I am bad, but you are perfect and if I ask for forgiveness I too am perfect in your eyes. Dint forget me.

I consider a perfect day I day when we talk and I do everything else I need to do to get in this world. We talked today and am happy. I hope we talk tomorrow so that we can be closer. Cause in the end, it is not the houses, it is not the cars, it's Heaven, it's You, and it's my family and my friends and all else, as friends woth you. In Heaven, the place woth big houses and the nicest things. Complete comfort and bliss.

I hope I have not written anything to offend you, I am even afraid of dropping a Bible by mistake. That has to count for something... Being that careful.

Good night.
And Thanks.