Monday, 22 August 2011

Not A Normal Day

The best way to ask for something,
Is not to ask for that thing at all,
Or to declare you don't want it in totality,
But this was not going to be a normal day,
So the rules of a normal day did not apply,
The best way to ask for something...
That day I outrightly asked for something,
And I was given,
It all started with a conversation,
A conversation between me and one girl,
And soon the conversation over flowed with laughter,
So much excitement that it poured on another girl,
And the second girl was in the conversation,
If you stop in the street and look into the sky,
Someone will stop to and stare into the sky with you,
And soon enough you will have a crowd,
Our conversation had turned into a crowd,
And there were beautiful girls standing there,
Giggling together,
Listening to me,
And swallowing up my ideas,
And my suggestion,
It is not the only thing they would be swallowing up at the days end,
I asked for something,
Thinking it was a normal day where,
The rules of a normal day apply...
I was there seated on that foreign sofa,
I had never sat on before,
And they were their staring at me,
And as the bottle got drained to three quarter,
They got more friendly,
Their minds ran empty,
And their impulses took over,
And their buttons went lower,
Suddenly everyone was dancing,
But I remained seated,
Being a man,
Being a visual creature,
The room got darker,
But no one wanted to switch on the light,
It was as if we wanted to hide from each other,
Though we saw each other,
Probably we were lying to ourselves,
That the darkness will disguise us,
It worked!
We lied to ourselves,
You could see how wild we got,
The bottle was half empty now,
And strip poker was used,
As a scape goat to the barbaric behaviors that followed,
Their was a point I wanted to run away,
you think women are not strong,
But wait until they are two of them,
And the third one is guarding the door,
Their was a moment things got so wild,
I felt I didn't belong,
It was to much,
The pleasure of it all,
Up to a point it felt,
Almost unnatural,
And the bottle was just halfway drunk,
I swore I would have left,
But I kept on telling myself,
To wait a minute longer,
And when the minute came,
I wanted to wait five minute longer,
Sometime in the procrastination of my departure,
I gave myself a whole full hour,
And within that hour things were getting out of control,
The bottle was quarter way over,
And the girl that swallowed the last liters,
Was the girl that set everything in motion,
The girl that swallowed me the first,
That encouraged the rest,
In action and in words,
And I was their listening,
You know I am a man,
An animal,
I almost ran out of my skin,
My body shook like a life,
The details still seem like a dream to me,
Somethings happened and other things did not,
Most things did not but some did happen,
And those that happened happened in abundance,
In excess,
I have never has such an excess of things happening,
You have never had an excess of such things happening,
So you can't quite relate,
Don't worry I don't think I can relate too,
And the funny thing is that I was there,
It was an over flow,
No man is that lucky,
Pinch yourself,
It must have been a dream,
No man is that lucky,
But who has the guts to inquire whether it was a dream?
Random pretty girl?
Did we have a threesome?
Three girls one guy,
That's not a threesome even,
I guess I will never know,
That definitely was not a normal day,
And the rules of a normal day did not a apply,
The best way to ask for something,
Is to declare you completely do not want it,
Or not ask for that something at all,
But what days does that apply to?