Thursday, 22 September 2011

A Promiscuous Mind

Am of a very free mind, 
If my mind was physical,
It would be like a fluid,
Carefully surrounding every bit of an idea,
If it was invisible,
You could feel its effects like you feel the wind,
It would be like light,
Intruding every space around.
Am of a free mind,
And my mind is as optimistic as madness,
At least sometimes,
When I am not as depressed as disease.
Am of a free mind,
I believe what makes logical sense in my mind,
Must be possible in reality,
I have zero torrelance for superstition,
I don't believe in the magic of things happening;
I do a little when it comes to love and other unexplainables,
But when it comes to such things as blog statistics,
Viewers comments,
When it comes to accomplishments,
And career growth,
To some extent even happiness,
I believe in rationality,
Like the workings of a dialog watch,
This screw hits the next one,
Then hits the spring, 
Turns the miniute hand,
Then the hour hand...
I am of an open mind,
If the Cause-and-Effect  makes sense in my mind,
Like the turn of an ignition key to light up a car engine,
Like the spread of a bill board in the streets to boost sales,
If the Cause-and-Effect makes sense in my mind,
Then in Reality it should,
But sometimes it doesn't,
Like the comments of a blog post,
Sometimes the Cause-and-Effect in my mind doesn't fit into reality,
Like the girl in a mini skirt I suppose wants sex,
There are many factors,
That make the logical cause-and-effect in my mind utopia,
Like the inability to comment on this post via mobile phone,
Like the girl in the mini skirt uninterested in sex but interested in attention. 
It's a dynamic complicated world we live in,
And I am just not about to generalize it,
by making such absurd statements such as,
"all girls are turned on by the same thing"
It kind of sounds like,
"the sun revolves round the earth"
Am a creature of an open mind,
My mind is the slut of ideas,
But I don't screw them until I assess them,
Even loose people don't jump into bed with some people,
Though they do with a crowd of everyone.
My mind is the Biggest slut of ideas,
Though I don't screw each one of them before I assess them.
But what I am most closed minded about,
What you shall never change my mind about is love,
The simple joy of family and the scent of a rose flower,
The mystery behind 'Practice makes Perfect',
I am a creature of a mind a complete slut to ideas,
But my mind will never sleep with the idea that,
"There is something impossible"
If it makes logical sense in my mind then it should in reality.
If asking questions at the end of a post is recommended to force out comments,
Then asking questions at the end of a post doesn't sprout out comments,
Then there has to be another way,
It might be the bipolar that diseases my mind with utopia,
But from past experience I have learnt that,
If you cannot run to the top of mount Kenya,
You can try walking,
You breath more comfortably and tire less,
Any logical idea like that in my mind is a possibility,
Whether it hold water in reality like it does in my mind I don't care,
I can spend my life trying to climb mount Kenya.
Probably the impossibility of it is the impossibility of a 'flying man,'
'Man cannot fly?'
I just flew to Mombasa the other day,
Mount Kenya is my destination,
The logistics as to how to get there are the problem,
But I am a creature of open mind,
I will try to walk up it if I can't,
I will try to run,
If I can't I will remember that 'man cannot fly,'
Get a plane!
And if I can't find a run-way for it,
I will wait a few more years for the guys who are inventing the Aeroscraft,
The ones who have total disregard for the belief that,
Planes need a run-way to fly,
I hope I will never be the man who gets turned by the realities of this world,
To be a believer that impossibility is rational,
Or to believe their is only one way up mount Kenya,
I hope to be open minded to all beliefs,
But the belief that impossibility exist,
And the myths about presidential-candidates-campaigns,
I want to find the cause and effect,
Like opinion polls,
The rationality of everything,
Then to be a creature of open mind,
Believe that we do not reach the peak of mount Kenya by myths,
We reach it by calculated strategies,
That to those that don't understand it generalize it as a myth,
I am a creature of open mind,
And I believe I can turn the ignition key,
And explode the views on this blog,
But I am also closed mind to a few things,
The pleasure gotten from a lovers kiss,
The emotions experienced from reading a poem,
The bond between friends,
The joy of family,
And the mystery of the One path to heaven!