Wednesday, 28 September 2011

What's Your Longer List?

When the demon is within,
Then it's hard to win.
When the demon is within,
All it does is kill and destroy.
The demon is negative.
I went through Forbes a while ago,
Forbes is the place where John Grisham was,
Once next to Bill Gates.
But not too close,
Don't think I want to be John Grisham though,
The last time I read his novels was a century ago,
And if I want to be him I would have to skip law school,
And I am not going to quit,
Besides the jeans he wears are as old as suits,
Eighteenth century old,
Like suits are,
Yeah, suits were invented in the eighteenth century,
They haven't changed since then,
Jeans have,
And his haven't,
But he was on Forbes once,
It's been a while now,
I haven't been myself for a while,
For weeks actually,
Thank heavens I have had love to distract me,
From my troubles,
But come to look at it,
Life is always the same,
Sometimes it's just how you look at it,
The most outstanding characteristics of most on that list,
The list John and Billy are one,
John the one of the old jeans
Is that on those lists they are on,
if you sat down all those successful people,
And asked them to write a list of fifty reasons,
Why they might succeed in what they are doing,
Then asked the to write a list of fifty reasons,
Why they would fail in what they are doing,
Every successful person,
Will outdo the fifty reasons why they would succeed,
And under do to less than ten the reasons why they would not.
For the last three weeks or something,
I have had a longer list of reasons why I wouldn't succeed,
And am a person who sees the glass half filled.
You can try to argue out that the best business person,
Is the person that anticipates risks,
But when you see more risks than opportunity,
Their is no way you will kiss that girl you like,
Then you will not see competition as a chance to advertise,
Perhaps even get more sales now,
You will see it as a chance to coil up,
Run scared and sit down in the office worrying yourself to failure,
Bury yourself in your own worries,
I have come to realize than days aren't as different,
They are more the same,
Their is always a problem here,
And an opportunity there,
Same day.
Even when an economy is crumbling down,
Where do you think the money goes?
Do people burn it so that it is less?
Oil prices are running up to the skies,
Wise engineers are selling Kompressor engines faster,
Electricity bills are hitting hearts like gun bullets,
Solar-sourced electricity companies are having a field day,
It's like all days are the same,
I meet relatively the same weather everyday,
The same roads,
But my mind and my heart change everything,
I sleep really late and wake up too early,
Am tired the whole day weak and noisy like a bitch,
With the rest of the world upset at everything,
The shilling is losing value at an alarming rate,
There were guys who cashed up on that,
And who will anticipate a profit in such tragedy,
The next time it happens.
Cause they have learnt from this one.
But today I was the guy at the bank,
Waiting in line screaming and worrying like a bitch,
In my head not with my mouth,
The demons that destroy opportunity,
Were so loud,
"are you cashing in dollars now?"
"This is a good time."
And I was thinking the cashier was overstepping.
She is not the reason why money is value less!
For heaven sake Bobby chill out!
I can't kiss her if I can't walk up to her,
How will I kiss success if I don't walk up to it,
I can bitch on how everything isn't right or ready,
But am bitching from here and she is there,
I am here and my success is there,
I can't reach it cause I am seeing the river,
And not seeing my swimming skills,
How can I kiss the girl a meter away,
When am thinking about the risks of walking,
It's just walking dammit!
She is right there,
Success is right there.
If I only thought of her lips,
And not the walking so much,
If I only thought of how I don't care if she will not kiss me,
And decided if it doesn't work their is the next one,
And my careless ness happened to seem like confidence to her,
It's always happier to think of the lips,
Than the destructive demons,
Cause with them I can't move,
I can't walk,
And I will not kiss the girl,
If she wanted to kiss me,
Or if she did not,
But if I walk,
She might want to kiss me,
Or she might not,
Who cares,
I will live,
I must kiss success,
I need to fight these demons,
No wait I need to ignore the demons,
Put myself in a place,
Where I draw a list backing up,
The reason why I would succeed,
And completely a failure,
At coming up with reasons why I would fail,
Two lists,
One success,
Two attitudes,
Two lists,
It's just how creative you are on creating which one?
And one of them has the incentive of happiness,
Hand me utopia any day,
Give everyone out of the Forbes list Depression,
And Johnies awful jeans too,
Cause they too are depressing.
Do you want Billy's glasses too?
Those ugly glasses shouldn't be associated with that list!