Hand me my brown khaki pants,
I know jeans are fashionable,
But I want my light brown khaki pants,
Hand me my freedom,
Right now I want it!
I am tired of being told what to do,
I am exhausted trying to ask the world,
Who I am,
It feels all fake,
I am going to ask the person who knows best,
I am going to ask the person who knows me best,
Who I am,
I am asking myself who I am?
And I will reach out in the store,
To grab bars of chocolates,
Before I grab a bag of ground nuts,
Cause that's who I am,
I am what I love,
My taste,
I love chocolate,
Though I should love ground nuts,
By virtue that I have two nuts hanging under my loli,
I still love chocolates,
It's my taste,
And I know my taste might not completely be my own,
It might have been suggested to me by people close to my heart,
But those are the people close to my heart,
Not close to anyone else's heart,
Close to My heart,
My mum has always got me chocolate,
Every time she runs in and out of a shop,
Or slides her hand in and out of her bag,
It must be a chocolate factory in there,
I am a chocolate lover,
And I shall only love ground nuts cause it is useful,
It increases my sperm count and makes me last longer longer,
A bag of ground nuts,
Can make me pour like a water fall it's source the ocean,
Oceans never dry out,
Ground nuts make my nuts an ocean,
As nuts as that sounds,
I want to be nuts,
I don't want to be everybody,
I want to be somebody,
And every somebody,
Is not everybody,
I don't want to grow a belly and find a big car,
So that is sucks all the fuel out of a petrol station,
I don't want to see such things as status,
I want to see them as status for lack of sensibility,
For those who choose sensibility,
But for those who do not choose sensibility,
Then sucking all the fuel from petrol stations is sensible for you,
I want to think,
And in my thinking I want a BMW i8,
Its engine is as small as being economic,
It's power is as impressive as cooking with gas,
Compared to cooking with a jiko,
It's logo is as loud as a big car,
Though it's small,
It feels thought of,
It feels like my chocolate,
It feels like me,
Modern in style,
Just like it's shape,
And loud in it's logo,
Like maintaining the traditional symbol of BMW,
I want to be myself,
I will be somebody that way,
And on the way I will have fun,
Why should I stop loving something?
Cause if I love that something people will look at me funny?
You know people look at you funny,
For a while,
Until you completely find yourself,
And then they start to evny you,
Finding yourself is not easy,
It requires thoughts and questions,
They are of the hard type of questions,
the hard type that are still interesting,
Hard and interesting questions are as rare as water mixed with oil,
But when answered and while getting answered,
They feel like oil burning on water,
If you have ever seen an ocean on fire you know how beautiful it is,
Fire even on candles are romantic and beautiful on their own,
A water fall is beautiful on it's own,
Now imagine them combined,
An ocean on fire,
Simply double the beauty!
It's a possible,
Yet interesting like the only hard interesting questions that exist,
The questions that defines me,
Me is always an interesting subject,
What I love,
What I want to love,
Who am I,
Who I should I be?
When do I laugh the most?
Who I love?
What I feel passionate about?
I could set myself a million questions,
And gladly sit an exam about myself,
Cause I know myself best,
Finding yourself is not easy,
But once you find yourself,
Then your grave is the last place you want to be,
The life and passion you have in yourself is unstoppable,
I know I can't run away from being a lawyer,
As much as I would love to write to my death,
Somehow I will find myself in the definition these world gives me,
Like John Grisham still defined himself,
After the world defined him as a lawyer,
Have you read his novels?
I see you try to punish yourself,
I see you punishing yourself,
Trying to be a thinker more than a feeler,
I can see you stuck trying to think through everything,
Use your mind to do everything,
And everyone seems to be ahead cause of that,
I hope one day,
You will turn into yourself,
And stop being someone else,
The six sense from your heart is stronger,
Than the minds of all who are ahead of you combined,
They only have five common senses,
You have six,
Let your feelings work for you,
So that you are ahead of everyone,
It's never easy to find myself,
But that's the only way I can be somebody,
You might think that other things will satisfy you,
But we are our own satisfaction,
Why do you think we love people like ourselves?
And whose image are we made in?
Why are you trying out another face,
When the one you were given is perfection?
The most beautiful person on earth,
Is never identical to the next beautiful person on earth,
Find your beauty,
If only we could understand that we are like songs,
And the songs that are most themselves are the ones,
That find themselves at the top of the charts,
And the songs that find themselves at the top of the charts,
Are all songs most times,
But some have certain poetic attributes in them,
Even when confined to the definition of a song,
They have defined themselves differently,
In the umbrella definition of a song,
I am finding myself in the umbrella definition of a lawyer,
And when you are yourself,
Be careful,
You might just become somebody,
Genres weren't just invented by radio stations,
They were defined by songs that were so somebody,
They had to get a new classification for them,
Cause they were there at the top of the charts,
And it was too embarrassing for radio stations not to have a name for them,
Be the song that defines a new genre,
Get to the top,
The top tastes sweeter when you get to it,
As a legitimate person,
The best definition of yourself,
Be yourself!
You fraudulent being,
Drop that pair of jeans,
Pick up that pair of khaki pants,
Drop that bag of peanuts,
Pick up that bar of chocolate,
Why are you torturing your tongue?
You are your own satisfaction