Every writer wants to be read,
Every writer wants to be remembered,
Every writer needs content,
Easy content is scandal,
Scandal is easy and popular content,
I don't want to write destruction,
Words that influence un-good,
With hidden un-clean meanings,
Like those musicians do,
They run after fame,
Leaving a blood bath path behind;
Of lives ruined,
I don't want to write destruction,
But il write scandal,
For that's beautiful,
Real and true,
But my words will not break,
Drive Wills to bad,
But drive hearts to laugh,
Minds to enjoy,
Emotion to be felt,
Compassion to win,
My path to a spot light writer shall be clean,
Not a blood bath,
Something admirable,
Inspiration for humanity,
Inspiration to be humane,
For the end doesn't justify the means,
I'd rather not have it if my path to it is unclean,
There is always another way,
The grass looks greener on the other side,
But is it really,
Is it really?
There is always another way,
I'd rather not have it if my path is unclean,
For the end never justifies the means.