It's a competitive world,
We have tests for everything,
We even have tests for tests,
We even subject chocolate bars to tests,
Examination is an emotional word,
One that comes with endless worries,
I do not like to be tested,
We are human,
We have come from far,
Where all of us are equal,
But how equal is equal when you rank,
Human being on there learning ability,
Go ahead and shelf them in positions,
Ones who are superior to others,
And the others that are inferior to others,
There is no greater hypocrisy,
But it's a competitive world we live in,
So maybe we might need a little ranking,
I don't want to be treated by a doctor,
Who knows less than I do in matters biology,
Exams are a perfectly unfair system,
Some have made toilets of their examination seats,
At least they don't handle you and I as badly,
How would you feel if they had such control of you?
They drown you brain dead and seize your bowels?
And you had completely no control of them?
I bet you would read your ass off all times to avoid,
Exams are an unfair system,
They have caught me off guard lots of time,
I always swear the loudest next time,
I sit a paper I will be as prepared as a farmer,
Like new years resolutions,
My zeal for preparation dies,
So that months pass by books untouched,
But my savior is always those first few days,
That my motivation was as great as a rock star's sex drive,
I hate exams so much,
I do not like being ranked at all,
Unless I always come at the top,
It's a competitive world,
But we have always lived in a competitive world,
At least I don't have to raid like my tribes men did,
But am never letting exams sacrifice my happiness,
Let things be the way they will be,
I will do the best with the time I have,
Even the very little time I have before an exam,
Whether I pass or fail - screw it!
There are always other alternatives...
Good papers without skill lands you at the clouds,
Good papers with skill lands you above the cloud,
Street smarts real street smart break convention,
Richard Branson and his space air crafts,
Go passed the clouds and stars into space,
Street smarts plus good papers carry the day,
I want to be smart and have good papers,
But any day all the time I will have nothing short of,
Above average papers and street smarts,
I have to be smart,
So exams, please.
Do not stress me!