Monday, 30 May 2011

Exam Fever

It's a competitive world,
We have tests for everything,
We even have tests for tests,
We even subject chocolate bars to tests,
Examination is an emotional word,
One that comes with endless worries,
I do not like to be tested,
We are human,
We have come from far,
Where all of us are equal,
But how equal is equal when you rank,
Human being on there learning ability,
Go ahead and shelf them in positions,
Ones who are superior to others,
And the others that are inferior to others,
There is no greater hypocrisy,
But it's a competitive world we live in,
So maybe we might need a little ranking,
I don't want to be treated by a doctor,
Who knows less than I do in matters biology,
Exams are a perfectly unfair system,
Some have made toilets of their examination seats,
At least they don't handle you and I as badly,
How would you feel if they had such control of you?
They drown you brain dead and seize your bowels?
And you had completely no control of them?
I bet you would read your ass off all times to avoid,
Exams are an unfair system,
They have caught me off guard lots of time,
I always swear the loudest next time,
I sit a paper I will be as prepared as a farmer,
Like new years resolutions,
My zeal for preparation dies,
So that months pass by books untouched,
But my savior is always those first few days,
That my motivation was as great as a rock star's sex drive,
I hate exams so much,
I do not like being ranked at all,
Unless I always come at the top,
It's a competitive world,
But we have always lived in a competitive world,
At least I don't have to raid like my tribes men did,
But am never letting exams sacrifice my happiness,
Let things be the way they will be,
I will do the best with the time I have,
Even the very little time I have before an exam,
Whether I pass or fail - screw it!
There are always other alternatives...
Good papers without skill lands you at the clouds,
Good papers with skill lands you above the cloud,
Street smarts real street smart break convention,
Richard Branson and his space air crafts,
Go passed the clouds and stars into space,
Street smarts plus good papers carry the day,
I want to be smart and have good papers,
But any day all the time I will have nothing short of,
Above average papers and street smarts,
I have to be smart,
So exams, please.
Do not stress me!

One Mans Gold Another Mans Worthless Coin

I need to capture a moment,
Right now in a manner vivid,
As clear as this handwriting style,
There is something about casuals,
Something I completely detest,
Their perfect lack of ambitions,
I once was given a task back home,
To manage things through a casual,
That bastard missed work all the time,
He even might have thought it interesting,
To show up and dodge away before,
He had done any of the chores he is paid to do,
I ended up particularly smelling like chicken shit,
Having to do the work he is to do,
I ruined my priced pair of black driving gloves,
They were so elegant but I had to rid myself of them,
Have you ever had a piece of clothing dear to you,
It got so dirty it had to be washed with vigor,
In eventuality it'd color and fabric got washed out too,
In the thoroughness of ridding it of the farm smell?
You had to throw it away cause you wouldn't trust yourself to resist,
The temptation of wearing it in it's newly found unappealing taste?
I thought he dodged to go work some place,
You see I knew he had a wife and kids,
I understood perhaps he had another job,
He two-timed his working to make an extra buck,
But dear was I so perfectly and soundly wrong,
He dint have another job he was running to,
Thirty minutes into the morning he would show up,
He would leave work undone and run home,
To his place and spend the rest of the day there,
Then would show up at three in the afternoon,
To lie to directly in face of his earlier whereabouts,
He completely ate up my head that man,
I regret why I did increase his salary in an aim to motivate,
But am soberly glad he ended up fired and jobless,
How dare he cause me to ruin my gloves?
And do farm work with my inexperience?
I had another casual right here where I stay,
He cleans up my house and laundry often,
He does a pretty fine job at somethings,
At other things it seems honestly better,
He did not attempt to them even at all,
For he leaves a few things worse than he found them,
In spite of that I do not fire him away,
I in fact call another lady-casual after he is done,
To complete the work that he accomplished not,
I do this because one day he asked me,
To search for a better job for him to engage in,
He would have been a great man that old man,
Had he been given the opportunity to be,
But most of all is the way the man looks at money,
From an un-careful eye you would almost be offended,
He looks at it so keenly you would think it was in scrutiny,
You would almost think he looks at it to determine the notes genuineness,
But from a keen eye you would tell that not it at all,
He is not scrutinizing the note of money,
He holds it with both his hands in appreciation of it's preciousness,
Perhaps he sees it as food a means for rent or his kid's fees, 
He walks away staring at it face down,
watching it clutched between both his hands,
If their was a wall that suddenly appeared he would run into it,
To you that note might be loose change,
But to him it always means the world,
I have over paid him ever since,
If I find opportunity for him,
I will not hesitate to put in a good word for him,
There is always a person who rewards her casuals,
After cleaning up her fleet of cars with pay as big as an accountant salary,
I hope he will clean your fleet of cars one day,
I hope you will be obscenely generous that day,
And if you will not remember to be generous,
Read this and remember what you promised,
One mans gold is another mans coin,
Give the man gold, it cost you nothing!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

How You Will Have Sex Next Time

This is a reminder I send you,
Seems your memory needs refreshing,
There are things you know you'd love,
More than you love money and chocolates,
The things that are considered adult,
Think of the shortest mini skirt you do have,
That worn even to a club is Adult,
I will see your message passed mid-night tonight,
And when my phone vibrated with your text,
At that time i will know,
You will want to rush things,
The dress you will wear will show it,
That loose-silky cloth that you wear,
With your jeans it's name I know not,
It's not quite a dress cause you wear it with jeans,
It's not a top cause it's more complicated than that,
Its 'just a top' but I wont call it that,
For if  I just call it 'just' that,
You will get mad.
It greater than a top,
Costed you a couple of fortunes,
You will want to rush things,
Your scanty attire will show it,
The eager in your eyes will prove it,
But I will not let you touch anything hard,
Not just yet,
I am a good cook you know,
very skilled with my tongue you know,
The food I will cook you After will prove it,
My fridge stocked up with oysters and sea shells,
Not just the real ones but chocolate also shaped as them,
My fridge is capable of such rare aphrodisiacs, shhh! don't tell,
I know you want what you want then,
Craves sweep off rationality,
I know that time you use not your mind to think,
But impossibly force your heart to think instead,
Talk of perfect failure,
Your crave sweeps off rationality
Mostly when I get your skin moist,
At the same time I get your pears sensitive,
Turning the moisture on your skin into pea-like small drops,
Of sweat getting bigger and bigger like you clit will,
As it fails to hide under your already soaked g-string,
Like a girl fails in hide a nine months ball,
The horny moments will be building a foundation,
And your body will tell you  I take you now,
But my mind will tell me slow her down,
Tease her nuts,
Then I would slow everything almost to a stop,
So that eager and desire builds like a burst,
You will feel like you are high,
Everything in slow motion,
So that you can feel each and every pulse in your body,
Even the one on your wrist and neck,
Starting to pick a louder faster throbbing pace,
Sweetly overwhelming all so slowly,
Tu, tu, tu, tu, tu you feel it go,
You feel yourself go with it too,
Feel so loose if you were in a club you would strip,
Or get a gang bang,
I will look at your eyes,
Then move down to your lips, 
Then tell you I love your lips,
You will smile,
I will ask you if you love mine too,
So that that smile grows into a giggle,
Then you would know that I not only have soft silky sheets,
But also a fertile sense of humor,
enough to keep you at my place the whole night,
This time I will not look at your eyes,
I will look right into your eyes,
And there will be a moment of silence,
Even the soft music from the radio will respect the silence,
By choosing to go quiet at that time like it goes when changing tracks,
In the silence I will move tilted closer into your face,
And the slowness of it all will cause your body to race,
Your bosom to speedometer your heart beat,
I will press my lips on yours,
Flat and still on them for,
For longer than the average kisser,
Then touch your fingers,
Then touch your lips,
Just touch your lips yourself right now,
The sensitivity has already gotten to them,
 let my fingers tips slowly climb up your arm's skin,
And our kisses will rebirth again,
Withdrawing from you lips while clinging on you lower lip last,
Just to remind you am not like those amateurs you kiss,
Plus to catch my breath,
To confirm that it is really your beauty I kiss,
The child in me will jump up and down electrically within,
As I sandwich your lips with zeal,
I will try not to touch your hem line,
But my fingers will grab a fist around it,
Like a man trapped grabs the jail bars,
So that that dress still crumples desperate for an iron even when I let go,
you will pull my hand away to save me,
But I will already be a lost cause,
The compass in my shorts will already show stiff direction,
No longer pointing south but pointing at the thing I want,
It will be long long long bulging moments between,
My fingers caressing you
your pink wet velvet,
That that matches with my pink tip,
Your pink velvet, 
That I will tear through,
As grab onto you half-falling bra,
And the swells it ideally should cover,
I will not let it all in,
Just the tip and an inch,
I know you like surprises,
So I will ride you with that first,
And keep on surprising you with a new inch,
Inch after inch after inch,
An unending surprise,
So that you so wet,
Feel me parting you,
That as I grab your ass,
I feel the wet on the sheets,
Liquid thick like good health,
Oozing off you like sunset rays, 
And when you hear my voice,
Deep and powerfully now,
Trying to out with my gasping breaths,
You will know am about to peak,
Exhausted but still working hard,
Cause I will be needing to cum,
unable to stop cause of quest,
You will know am almost there,
your hips will not lie,
When they prove they have a mind of your own,
You will feel your ass rise up from the bed,
To let me drive inside to your belly,
Sink till my balls seem attached on you,
So that as the relieve seed you feel them,
Jump up and down like pop corn in a micro wave,
So that you feel the tiny spasm,
Of cum shooting into you,
Not like a gun,
But a machine gun,
Bullet after forceful bullet,
So hard it will push me backward inch by inch,
Like the physics of shooting with a bazooka,
Cum shooting in you,
Bon voyage-ed to a world called Fuck,
If I asked you your name that time,
You will be one percent You,
ninety nine percent orgasm,
Then I will lie there exhausted,
Proud to have caused intensity enough,
To fade mosquito bite stings,
That why I don't have a mosquito net,
And you do!
Have you ever faded mosquito bite stings?
Eyes closed heart beating,
The after glow will cum after cum,
You will close your eyes and feel powerful,
In the dark of my room,
In the secrecy of my closed doors,
Feeling like a total woman,
With the power to chase my pride out of the room,
And turn me into a panting massacre,
Your hand will run down my chest,
Lower and further lower,
As you swear to have my neck,
If I ever told anyone you gave it to me so easily,
Then I'd remind you I do not kiss and tell,
Empty rumor and gossip will prove it so!
I will hope you don't find me like that,
Flaccid after having cum,
But I will not be able to stop you,
I will be already too energy less,
Pull out the filled rubber and drop it to the floor,
You do not care what I think of you then,
You want one thing and one thing only,
To enjoy your Friday night fully,
I will wish we were more than friends,
But you will never know till you bring it up,  
I guess women are empowered this days,
Fulfilling there sexual desires more than men,
But in secrecy to avoid slutty reputations,
No way my flaccid will stop you,
From getting what you came for,
Meet it at my thigh,
With your hair spread on my stomach,
Giving it encouragement,
So much it pulls up,
It's ready!
Like warm cream cake is from the oven,
Almost busting with excitement,
This time I will not cum as first,
Though it is a compliment when I cum fast,
Not so fast fast like uncontrollable first,
But fast first so that second round I last forever,
We rush to my shower so that we are fresh,
Like the spare sheets will spread on my bed,
That will spread like you legs will tonight,
I will start to build for your orgasm again,
This time the foundation will be for a multiple one,
That will feel like a birthday balloon realized in the air,
Flying all over the walls of the room exhaling,
Does he know that the longer the wait?
The more tsunami'c the final sensation?
With me your libia will know this,
Sense it,
And moisten instantly,
With all that tension building,
After sharing our fantasies,
Thanks to empty wineglasses,
Role play wont be as shy,
Our fire will rush,
In a different way this time,
A way that will send you masturbating to your doom,
Wanting to fuck this poem or the  vibrating phone you read it from,
You will excitedly put on the costume,
I will unhide from my closet,
I will follow suit,
The genesis of urgency,
You will be dressed as a...
And after hours,
You will realize,
Why role play is popular,
In other countries.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

And YOU Thought You Could Kiss Better

The perfect kiss. The perfect kiss should be the first kiss. Not the first time my raw lips set onto of another. Rather the first time they land on fresh lips I just met. We all know the anticipation of things is most times greater than the thing itself. I would not skip the anticipation to sandwich another's lips. Killing it by kissing immediately, without loading up the anticipation. I will make her laugh first. To lighten the mood and reduce her tension. I will make sure we are at a comfortable place. Perhaps on my bed, seated facing each other. Good things might come after it. Which I might deny her to build anticipation for myself and her. The sweetest orgasm come from the longest foreplay. Oh, you dint know that, no wonder you don't sex right. But I might also want to start it like this. Look right into her eyes. Then down to her lips. Then back to her eyes. Slowly, as if my eyes had licking capability. And they were taking their time, to taste chocolate. I would repeat that, until she knows a kiss is due. I would then tell her she had beautiful pink lips. Then she would smile. Ask her if she liked mine. Just to turn her smile into a giggle. Assuring her that kissing me would be a right decision. Cause I am well packaged. I come with kissable lips. And stocked up with enough humor to make her laugh a lifetime. Then I would look at her eyes again. Move them back to her lips. Move closer to her face. Slowly so that I let her heart beat rise. Before I...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

I might As well Have My Periods This Morning

Hardy slept last night. It's Sunday morning at ten o'clock. I think I should wear a tampon. I have woken up feeling like a girl. Oh heaven, I have such a great urge to go shop. This morning that urge feels greater than my urge to sex would. I see myself, collecting loafers from all nice shops. Those perfect shoes. That I like to feel raw. Like sex without condoms. I want new pairs of loafers. I will wear them without socks. I want to feel them like raw sex. The velvet leather touch against my feet skin to skin. I want to sweat in them. Just like on a different morning I would want to cum in a girl. Soil my shoes with sweat, just to assert the feeling I indeed own those shoes. I want them massaging my feet. I want them smelling like me. I will not wear them with a condom. I will wear them raw. Am itching to shop today. I want to buy shoes and blue, white, pink, navy blue and polka dotted shirts. I crave to shop more than I crave to sex this morning. I must prepare myself for such an urge. I hope it visits me the Sunday after next next Sunday. When my credit card has paid all the bills. And is ready to be run through as many machines as a slut. Limitless and is filled enough to give me everything I want. I want to shop till I drop. Useless and useful things both. In fact I am going to go spend some obscene amount of money now. Live today forget tomorrow. I might even call a girl afterwards to screw my balls dry. I will wear 'socks' for that though. I might be mad but not insane. The beauty of life is exactly such. You think you want to wake up Sunday morning craving to see a fine light-skinned, well-sized-slim hot girl making you breakfast in your fawn gown. Only to wake up and find you wish it was okay to crave shopping like girls do. Wanting to take your credit card for a slutty tour. Life is unpredictable like that sometimes. I love it's surprises. A different day, different madness!

Saturday, 21 May 2011

When I Used To Rule The World

There was a time when,
I used to rule the world,
But now I simply do not,
I feel those words are in order,
To express the envelope of failure,
I have recently neatly sealed myself into,
There was a time in my life,
When when I got into rooms,
I did in fact rule the world,
And my presence was felt,
More than the presence of an earthquake,
The rainbow had completely nothing on me,
But things did change with time you know,
Some things I had did fade away,
I feared they would at the time,
I almost sensed that those were my hay days,
Wisdom warned me to enjoy them when they last,
I do wish I had used them much better,
I have been trying to convincing myself over the years,
That I used them to fullest,
By now I have almost fully convinced myself,
That I used them to the fullest,
Did I really?
I used to rule the world that time,
That was back then when I was truly king,
I pride myself in being able to get everything,
my pride has been unchanged since then,
I have evidently lost a lot since that time,
But my pride still stands in order,

It is one thing to have everything you want,
It is one thing to never be denied anything,
But you know paper cannot buy everything,
We are creatures of habits as humans we are,
We are creatures of behavior us kenyans,
It was very easy for me to believe in the belief,
That I would always have everything I did want,
I did for a long time get everything I did want,
Even everyone I wanted in some ways,
That was when I ruled the world,
But I guess things are a bit different now,
As different as the end of monarch is,
The beginning of democracy as it is,
Blue bloods have been chased out of the throne,
If you don't believe me ask europe's history,
People have the right to make choices,
And you are not the only choice they make,
Like they did back then when you ruled the world,

When you are never denied anything,
That paper can actually buy,
Then you have this screwed up mentality,
That every bra will un-cap cause you want it to,
If you want a car a plane even a submarine you will have,
Cause unlike humans these things don't have to want you back to have them,
The same principle applying on things doesn't apply on people,
That every hand you want to hold will hold you back,
The one who gave birth to me told me once recently,
That I should have new rules of decorum where I accept,
That I might not always get what I do want,
That I might not have everyone I want,
But I still own my childhood pride,
That I still rule the world,
In my mind I do still rule the world,
I believe I can get everything,
And have everyone I want,
But in reality I find that,
She doesn't actually want me,
But wants me to hook her up,
With someone else,
In my mind I still do rule the world,
But clearly reality shows different,

I am smiling but am very close to tears,
My folly tells me not to lose my pride,
And believe I really can get whatever,
And whoever, whenever and however,
I feel my pride is the only thing king about me now,
In my real sense I know that I don't always get it all,
Or am I amongst kings who get it all,
the competition around is too high?
But just cause you used to rule the world,
Doesn't mean you are completely nothing,
Some people still think you rule the world,
But you know your powers have reduced ever since,
You used to rule the world,

I hope the world will not stone me anymore,
Chase me out of that throne where I believe,
I rule the world and that I can get whatever,
Whomever I want in however ways I want,
At this very moment the world is in an attempt,
To chase me out of my throne consistently,
By proving to me that I cannot get whatever,
Whoever I want in however way whenever I want,
I guess the misfortune of getting whatever you want,
Is you have too much time you concentrate on whomever,
And sometimes it turns into a run after pride and not love,
Sometimes the point I try to prove is that I rule the world,
If I stop proving a point then my reign will come to an end,
If I keep proving a point I will waste time on matters-not things,
But question is if I run after you and get you to full-fill my pride,
To just prove to myself that I still am king,
Am I really king?
Do kings have to struggle so much to get whatever? 
Do kings have to struggle so much to get whomever?

I used to rule the world you know,
That's why I have so much pride,
You can't teach an old dog new tricks,
My circumstance before now,
Taught me that I in fact rule the world,
I cannot be taught new tricks,
If I became a king right now,
Instead of being born one,
Then perhaps my pride wouldn't be as dear to me,
But right now it is inter wined with my happiness,
If you try to separate them you tear the cloth,
I will not hide my roots; that I used to be king,

It maybe unwise to go against the wisdom that,
I should have everything and everyone I want,
But my past record has shown it very clearly,
That eventually I can have everyone and everything I want,
Sometimes at fingers-snap other times out of time and effort,
Am already addicted to the happiness of ruling the world
What I have to do is ploy my energies to the right places,
Just like a wise king realizes that there are kingdoms to conquer.
And other kingdoms that are not worth the effort to conquer,
If I want so badly that I must have like I must have air; I will get,
If I don't want as badly I will not send my army for such trivialities,
but as kings start a war sometimes out off useless emotions such as amusement sadness revenge or just to make others jealous or regret,
I will sometimes pursue senseless things with obscene amounts of resources,
Just so that I feel I still rule the world, 
It maybe unwise to go against the wisdom that,
I should not always run after everything and everyone I want,
But maybe just maybe being wise like wise kings are,
Knowing what is worth the effort and choosing right,
Is wisdom in itself,
To kings, even Emotion, and not Need is reason enough to war,

I used to rule the world yesterday,
Those days are gone like spilled milk,
I used to have whomever I want,
Now am a dating-site hooking up,
The people I want to people I don't even like,
The days when I used to rule the world are over,
The days when I caused earthquake entering into a room,
Now I have to fight to keep my crown,
But back then when I really ruled the world,
I did not need to walk in a certain way to rule,
I just ruled,

'I used to rule the world,
Seas would rise when I gave the word,
Now I sweep the streets I used to own,
One minute I held the key,
Next the walls were closed on me,
Now I discover my castle stood,
On pillars of salt and pillars of sand'
Viva La Vida by coldplay is the rock song,
That truly relates to the end of my era,
The old king is dead,
Long live the king!


Back Seat

The temperature rises,
The windows go misty,
It's almost as if,
The car would get spoilt,
There is this ripe girl,
All her assets were abundant,
She could be touched,
Bones completely unseen,
Yet not the least bit fat,
When you think African,
And you think well sized,
Feel the emotion you feel,
Or the hard on you get,
When you see a girls behind,
Dancing in a loose light dress,
As she walks step by step,
You could almost see the valley,
And the two hills very clearly,
She had a beautiful face,
It's grown even prettier now,
I saw her photo on Facebook lately,
Finer with time like red wine,
Red wine goes with chocolate,
And her skin is definitely chocolate,
She was the first girl that swallowed,
After shots and shots of explosions,
I remember this one early evening,
When I picked her from her home,
I must have gotten my driving license then,
Which I have used better than you use yours,
We went to a certain deserted hill,
We had to haste so she couldn't have dessert,
We had to haste so we couldn't foreplay,
She jumped onto the back seat and jeans-ed off,
I knew it was an unsafe place to park,
But what other option did I have,
I shut the door and let the ignition run,
I dint even get out of the car,
I flew between both front seats,
To the back seat where she was,
I left my shoes at the drivers seat,
I unzipped my pants and joined her,
I went down close to her to kiss,
And she pushed it in though tight,
It was a quickie so she wasn't as wet,
But after one to five thrust,
She got wetter than a wet kiss,
And it got darker and darker,
And we moved more and more,
The windows turned misty,
And the rain poured louder outside,
She screamed in pleasure louder,
And I thrusted harder,
As if to compete with the thunder outside,
Oh how I 

Getting Stood Up Unsolved

Hiding behind a bad boy,
I might sex quite a lot,
And act unfaithfully much,
But most of the time,
It comes from a place of,
Sadness and heart break,
I feel a little more exposed,
With each word I expose,
But the alternative is worse,
To seat down and soak,
In the depression I get,
From emotions so intense,
I need to let things of my chest,
So I rather expose,
Sometimes I don't mean to,
Have a back up plan,
Most of the time I arrange a date,
I have a second and third plan,
Just in case one doesn't show up,
There is the second one too,
And a third one also,
Just to be extremely safe,
I might want you much,
More than you want chocolate,
Lots more than you want shoes,
Heck even  more than I want to,
Buy you diamonds and pearls,
But my ego is large and feed,
And I never want it losing weight,
So when you put me off,
Know that I will have another,
To kiss in your place,
I feel like an emotional cripple,
Dealing with this this way,
But soon I will find away,
To solve being stood up,
In a more humane way,
I will definitely blog about it,
Watch this space.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Thinner Rubber

A compass is never out of style,
Maps too are never just a fad,
A steering wheel is always fashionable,
A greater tragedy than that of the titanic,
Is of persons with energy greater than volcanoes,
But without no path to follow like trains have,
With completely no direction to channel the energy,
As dangerous to everyone and themselves just like magma is,
We are creatures of short term views,
Most of us have to be forced to think beyond tomorrow,
Thinking in long term sense is as foreign as,
Living today without Internet and computers,
If I dint think of a wife and kids tomorrow,
I would be quick to sink in completely raw,
It always tastes better raw,
But with the times it's never the safest bet,
Since I will want a wife and kid one day,
Just before I sink in beautifully like a skinny deeper,
I will wear my Jimmy hat,
Other contraceptives like,
The morning after pills,
After last nights shower seeds,
Will be reserved for the most serious of girlfriends,
But ultimately for my wife,
I know times are bad today,
I hope they will be better tomorrow,
For either way when tomorrow comes,
I will be powerless to buy a pack of durex on my way home,
You know married people never wear balloons,
So when that time comes all I'll do is hope,
That no one winks at my wife in ways,
That will lead her to do things,
That will lead her to feel,
That maybe she should buy,
A pack of rubber together with groceries,
Then come home and try to explain,
Why she thinks I shouldn't pour my milk,
In her,
like I always do,
I have my compass and it works,
It faces north which is up,
I have a map not on paper,
But on this page you read,
Eventually I will have a son,
And a daughter too,
And he shall love blue,
And she shall love pink,
So the next time I want to anchor,
My ship deep in waters unknown,
I will wear something to cover,
Skin tight like sea divers do,
And if I really love the girl,
I will not get durex exta safe,
That is as thick as law books,
But durex elite that is as thin,
As silk clubbing dresses,
My compass is clear,
My direction is clear,
I do not need discipline,
I just see tomorrow,
In vivid details,
And that is why,
I live today,
Like I live,

Monday, 16 May 2011

After That Little Slut

Today I kissed a girl,
Her lips were tender,
I really kissed her,
Mostly cause she is hot,
And I think I want to try,
To be in a relationship with her,
She only let my hand slide,
Into her trousers a while,
As our lips interlocked,
Though her trousers dint fall,
And mine did not too,
I enjoyed it much,
For she is as beautiful as a star,
And when you have a star,
You want to show it off,
She left my place at eleven,
She needed to go home change,
To night life attire,
So that she could club,
She asked me to meet her at the club,
So that we could dance together,
And sip alcohol together,
I didn't believe she was actually serious,
But when she called me,
After almost an hour,
With the loud music in the back ground,
I didn't quite jump out of the bed,
I started weighing my options,
Whether to go or not to,
Eventually I was in my boots,
And braving the night,
I found her seated alone,
In the hottest short shorts,
Right there in the bar,
The air was filled with music,
Beautiful like perfume in the air,
We had a beer or two,
She danced next to the me for a bit,
We talked about everything and nothing,
Right into each others ears we did,
And laughed touching her thigh a lot,
I told her I would leave soon,
She was half comfortable left clubbing alone,
But I met her alone and that was the deal,
And then I meet this other girl,
That I had Fridays with,
Last semester we did,
Every Friday we did,
I called her out of the club,
And we drove off,
To my place,
She dint know I had moved to town,
She was half surprised,
The stupid gate man to my apartment,
Hesitated in opening the door,
Letting both us in,
Cause I was with her,
It looked really bad,
She was in the shortest of dresses,
Heels taller than me,
It just looked really bad,
He threw some disapproving looks,
But we ignored,
But by the time she was in the house,
She was already sore,
From the humiliation she got,
From the stares at the gate,
She started to swear at me,
Talk about misplaced aggression,
Blaming me for what I did,
Bringing her home like that,
But truly that's what we did,
I dint get some eventually,
Thanks to the stupid guard,
I even braved the rain with her,
Until she was back to the club,
Where I stole her from,
Cause I truly felt for her,
She felt a little guilty I thought,
For she knew my intentions were as pure,
As ice cubes in restaurants are,
She kissed my cheek,
And bitched most of the way,
I let her do it,
And I was mostly defenseless,
She let it out,
I came back home immediately,
And now am writing this,
My watchman still gives me that disapproving look,
But I can't start to explain myself,
Telling him that in fact I know this girl,
In fact we have been at it for a while,
That in fact everyone looks like that,
When they go out to club,
Growing up I was taught better,
Not to explain myself to just anyone,
But to explain myself to some people,
So I dint explain myself to him not once,
All I said is open the door I leave there,
I really wished I had her that night,
Not the first girl but the second one,
If it wasn't for the guard I would have,
And compensated for what,
That little slut did to me,
I guess if we don't watch out,
We treat others like we have been treated,
I will not let myself be treated like that,
Will you?

Ambition: Has Your Heart Ever Pumped You Lungs By Mistake?

Human beings are alive,
We have a beating heart,
Rocks are perfectly dead,
Seen one with a beating heart?
Human beings are alive,
We are not dust that rests,
But to live is not the same as alive,
When you are alive you're excited,
That feeling rockstars get on stage,
And you get when you come off stage,
The one you get when you win,
When you just live your heart beats,
Just to make blood flow through you,
Life plus ambition makes you alive,
You do not just live like you used to,
When you are alive your heart doesn't just beat,
It races like earth steam water shoots,
Supplying your whole body with renewed energy,
That exta energy beyond normal energy,
Do you think your heart is dumb?
Has it anytime pumped your lungs instead by mistake,
when you are ambitions you are excited,
And your heart knows you need power,
It beats faster for you to fly higher,
And makes you happier,
It's it's way of telling you,
Ambition is the right path for you,
Do not ignore you heart,
Our life is as meaningless as the word is,
It is up to us to give it direction,
And direction is best spelled a.m.b.i.t.i.o.n,
Where you were yesterday,
Should not be where you are today,
We are human beings born babies,
We grow to teenage and adult,
Why shouldn't our ambition grow to?
We aren't constant even in the least bit,
If you stopped wearing dippers ages ago,
Why are you embarrassing your ambition,
Wrapping it up in dippers instead of a thong?
Our ambition should grow just as we do,
Establish it's roots when it is born,
Then nature them until they are teenagers,
We discover ourselves while teenagers most,
It's the moment where our ambition discovers itself too,
And when it gets to adult hood like humans do,
It does not stop to grow,
Oh no it doesn't,
It grows on in a different way,
A more sophisticated way,
It develops,
Like countries do,
Just like our skills do when we start to work,
Just like our hair grows white with wisdom,
We are always on the move us humans,
Ask your blood if it has ever stopped in the veins?
If you woke up one day and your blood said,
It was on strike and did not want to flow?
It's unafraid of working and never gives up,
Even when you get punctured it clots itself,
And gets back to work moving,
Ask your heart if it ever stops to beat?
We are always moving,
Us human beings,
Everything about us,
So do not tell me you are finally there,
And you cannot move beyond where you are,
We are always growing,
Why shouldn't your ambition grow?
Let yourself dream of things big,
And when you dream and you don't feel alive,
Dream bigger and bigger much larger and more,
Let your ambition grow until you feel alive,
Let your ambition be so moving,
You heart it's gauge pumps faster,
In telling you you are on the right path,
And that mr.heart will promise to pump as hard,
So that you have all the energy you need,
To leave the dream you choose to live,
Let yourself see it every time you fall to sleep,
And if it doesn't make you smile and kick in bed,
As you melt in your private thoughts,
And day dreams,
Know that it is not big enough,
Inflate it like birthday balloons are,
So that its big and compelling,
So beautiful you plan to reach it,
So passionate about it your alarm is shocked,
For it always goes off when you are already awake,
Cock craw always finds you out of bed,
Running after you ambition,
Faster than blood runs through you veins,
You don't have time to get a Cold!
Running after your ambition,
With everything you have,
Because we are human beings,
And we grow all the time,
Even the country develops,
And has a vision for twenty thirty,
How do you tell me you don't have one?
That you don't want to set expectations so high?
You do not like disappointments?
I tell you this once,
And I will tell you again,
If your ambition is not big enough,
To move your heart to tears of joy,
To move your lips to a private smile,
When you look at yourself in the mirror,
and imagine yourself fulfilling it,
Then don't bother at all,
You will never feel alive,
You will only live,
Don't bother yourself,
Getting out of bed will be sad,
You will only live not feel alive,
And Monday's will feel like torture,
For you lack purpose,
And for those of us with ambition,
Already directed and compelling ambition,
We will fight like soldiers do,
Whether it rains or storms,
Whether they block the roads,
We will fly to where we are going,
We will swim if we must,
We will make short cuts,
We will go off road like off road tracks do,
If doors do not open for us,
We will make doors ourselves,
And those doors will open,
And everyday we will be living,
Better than you live everyday,
Better than we lived the day before,
Hoping to live the next day,
Better than we are living today,
And since we are already living yesterday's dream today,
We will not forget to toast wineglasses and scream,
In celebration of yesterday's work,
That are today's fruits,
And after we are done playing and partying hard,
We will zealously  put back on our boots and shield,
Run towards and shield our ambition against the unbelieving world,
That laugh now at our extreme ambition and daring hope,
But I will remind them that today I am living yesterday's dream,
Then why don't they think that tomorrow I will live today's?
Are they living yesterday's dreams today themselves?
by the end of this week I will play that song,
On my guitar oh yes I will,
And when I play it next week,
I will remember that am living yesterday's dreams,
And be ambitious enough to dream of playing,
Hundreds of othe beautiful heart-melting tunes,
The week after or whatever future date I set,
And when I am an ambitious man,
I will make sure I enjoy my work,
Like a c.e.o's always do,
Enjoying the journey as well as the destination,
When they let themselves drive to work in sleek limos,
When they let their office tables be mahogany-ed and glassed,
And the shelves too,
And the shoes and suits,
Hand stitched,
Taylor made both,
Like a c.e.o's always do,
Realizing that they will always hope for greater,
For success is as relative as ambition is,
Today you know gold trophies are the pecks of success,
Tomorrow you discover they make them in platinum,
For success levels  are as relative as ambition is,
Today you feel gold watches are the ultimate symbols of success,
Tomorrow you want one platinum-ed like the president has,
So just like a c.e.o realizes that the journey,
Is as important as the finish line,
I will realize that the journey to my ambition should be as sweet,
I will enjoy the journey as much as the destination
I will enjoy not giving up,
And I will enjoy the fruits in the end,
My ambition wont be shallow though,
Like a shallow fountain is,
My ambition will be full,
With words like wife and family,
Words like friends and heaven,
Words like money and fame,
Words like power and skill,
Words like sex and parties,
The happiest people are hungry people,
People hungry for ambition that is,
And every time they live their ambition,
They leave that ambition for a greater one,
And we look at them and wonder,
Why do they always surpass expectations,
Now you know,
Now I know,
Am already living,
But now..
Am ready to be alive,
Are you?

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Do Remember Your First Childhood Experience Of Love?

I hated that teacher with a passion,
She made us both part ways,
I knew what a girl friend was,
When I was in class five,
Was eleven years that time,
She fought to be my desk mate,
At that time when,
The opposite gender was the enemy,
And all the teachers needed to do,
Is sit us boy girl boy girl boy girl,
For us not to be noisy,
It would be as noisy as a market,
When we were seated boy boy boy,
Or seated girl girl girl,
I remember C.r.e class,
Christian religious Education,
We only had one bible between us,
Come to think of it I think she schemed it,
So that we would have to share my bible,
As the class went on,
As the teacher taught,
We had to share one bible,
During that class her bible got lost,
Then we had to share mine,
Immediately after it always resurfaced,
And I always caught her arrange it in her desk,
With her other books,
But I never asked,
Cause I loved the way,
The teacher would ask as to open Job,
And instead she opened songs of songs,
You know the chapter with those words,
Breast that looked like pears,
Beauty and lips that taste like wine,
When the teacher asked us to open Job,
She opened songs of songs, 
And I always freaked out we'd be caught,
And ruthlessly punished by the teacher,
But she was a naughty girl even then,
At the beginning of the lesson I freaked out,
Especially when the teacher walked close to my desk,
But if I fought her it would be noisy,
And we would get caught for sure,
So all I could do is surrender,
Let her point at those naughty verses,
And hope not to giggle to much,
She always teased me I was to far away,
That I should bring my seat closer to her,
And like any eleven year old boy would do,
Smile and giggle secretly,
Hoping none of the boys noticed,
That I was liking the enemy,
That I was giggling with a girl,
I started feeling some urge,
I couldn't comprehend what it was then,
But now that am a little naughty and grown up,
And I understand hard ons and wetness,
I realize now that what i wanted to do,
When she was eleven and I was eleven too,
Is touch her in that school dress,
kiss those lips that teased me,
But I was jailed in the pleasure,
I couldn't think of what to do,
I remember we used to go for trips,
School trips were great,
It was a chance to go out there,
Where there were no school rules,
Where chocolate was legal,
And every time she went for a trip,
She found a way to sneak back a bar,
Of delicious chocolate for me,
They would search us head to toe,
To make sure we didn't carry grab or snack,
Back to school after a trip,
But she always had a way,
To get passed those security checks,
Cause she had to let her man enjoy,
The sensation that chocolate gave,
She always found a way to sneak a piece,
Regardless of the risk of getting caught,
She always found a way to sneak a piece,
And that piece always reached to me,
And I would not be too eager to chew it,
I just let it soathe my taste buds,
I never wanted to have it yet eat it,
So I did enjoy it patiently,
For I knew the next time I would taste chocolate,
Would be at the end of the month,
When my mum would come for visiting,
The only time school rules allowed us,
To have cooked food and chocolates,
But I enjoyed the pieces she sneaked in,
They were a testimony to our love,
They were the forbidden fruits,
One of the illegal things we did with thrill,
I hope she reads it that girl,
I hear now she is all grown up,
And in campus studying,
She has always been naughty,
I hear she steals exams now,
Am sure if we were in the same campus,
I would always get a way,
To graduate with an honors,
She would give me the answers now,
For right now that's what is important,
When we were eleven sweets and candies were,
In the future money will be,
And am sure if we are together then,
She will find a way of getting me,
Illegal insider information at the stocks exchange,
And just like she never got caught with chocolates,
Back in primary school,
Her wit would never allow us to get caught,
By Lumumba and anti-corruption commission,
I have never kissed or sexed her,
The last time we really talked or laughed together,
I was eleven and she was eleven to,
I hope when she reads this,
Regardless of who she is with,
We would meet some place,
And kiss like we should have,
And she will lift her dress for me,
And I will unzip my pants for her,

Thursday, 12 May 2011

How I Will Find Love

I will fallen in love this year,
Whether Cupid likes it or not,
I already have her in mind,
She is as beautiful as sex,
I believe I will find her this year,
For my heart does believe that,
At least this year it does,
Last year it did not believe,
And an unbelieving heart is deaf,
Unable to hear love at doors knock,
Unable to understand prolonged hugs,
Unbelieving I will find her and her heart,
My believing heart is open this year,
By it's mere belief of the possibility,
That I will find her heart regardless,
My heart is filled with hunting thoughts,
Slashing ideas on how to find  her,
Not drowning with reasons I can't find her,
With those thoughts that did in fact leave it dead last year,
an unbelieving heart is dead deaf,
My heart is filled with hunting thoughts,
Slashing ideas on how to find her,
Even lions don't sit in the grass and think,
Of reasons why they can't hunt down gazelles,
My heart is filled with hunting thoughts,
Ready to be in all the right places,
The places it loves the most,
Coffee huts and classy clubs,
Libraries and class rooms,
Piano-ed rooms and tennis courts,
Where the girl I will love will be,
Not strip clubs and street corners,
But Facebook updates and tweeter tweets,
My heart is ready to be as brave as a mad man,
To get a seat next to models so hot,
To stand and walk up to girls I want,
And when it's not it's ready to have alternatives,
To flirt tease and smile when it is too shy,
Even with cheesy winks and bedroom eyes,
Whatever means to get my heart in love,
Yes my heart has tones of alternatives,
My heart is ready to grow some wit,
Even though it might be brighter than my mind,
it is open to all moves right or wrong,
It will listen when others speak,
My heart will also speak in future tense,
Of the kiss it intends to give to fall in love,
And when the others hear it speak,
They'll tell it to intend the kiss in a lift instead,
So that  it escalates up floors and floors,
Love is realized easier by such thrills,
Even of the chocolates that lead to love,
My heart will not be lazy like Mary was,
In those nursery rhymes that said she was,
My heart will not drink wine and preach water,
My heart will run to clubs and tennis courts,
Until my ball gets grabbed by my dream girl,
And my balls are the only ones she hits,
When she backs it up on her fours,
in the end what matters most,
Is whether I will find love before year ends,
Will you find love before year ends?

I read an article today, that inspired this. Success in business is determined  by the decisions we make. For us to get what we want we have to;

1.) know the thing we want 
      When we do not believe we do not deserve what we want we do not...

2.) think up of alternatives to get it
      Creativity is having the most alternative strategies to one goal

3.) seek advice on alternatives
       A great mind doesn't always invent but works with others inventions

4.) choose the best alternative
       The best alternative is what works best for you

5.) take action and get what we want

Read it 'How I Will Find Love'  again, and be brave enough to tell me if it's bull shit or a bulls eye?

Thanks for you read.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Before I Die -Cocktails!

If wishes were horses,
Beggars would ride,
I've ridden horses more than once,
And they felt like a benz,
I might actually go back to ridding them,
Might even start raring some at home,
I know mum will not object,

Everyone dies,
But not everybody lives,
My favorite rapper,
Crafted those words,
At least that's what I believe,
Don't conclude I love rap,
Or I do not love that genre,
Some music is so badly written,
You get embarrassed for the artist,
You get uneasy just listening even when alone,
In the car in jam with the volume low,
You almost look around to see if you were seen,
Listening to such a song,
To stand up and sing such things,
You can sing everything by my standards,
But craft it so well,
Like my favorite rapper has,
I could almost include his songs in this list,
Food, shelter, clothing and Drake's album,
My favorite rapper,
Crafted this words
Everyone dies,
But not everybody lives,
Oh heavens,
The log in my eye!
I too am trying to craft words...!
My favorite rapper,
Crafted this words
Everyone dies,
But not everybody lives,

I did think of my funeral,
At least some parts about it,
I am mixed about it like a cocktail is,
Shots of everything are contained in it,
Like a cocktail gets you wasted in style,
I hope to leave this world in style,
But like a cocktail makes you un-sober,
I am mixed about how I want my cold day to be,
The thoughts of tears of those around me,
Is too much a burden for me to bear,
So with regards to those I love that will attend,
I never think or have thought of that part,
However strong and intoxicated I am,
Such hurt is too strong to be numbed by alcohol,
But I do hope there will be tears on end,
So much after a week the grass around will be green,

Just like the events after a cocktail,
I want some parts about me forgotten,
Like the amnesia caused by an alcoholic black out,
The hearts I did break,
The lives I ruined unintentionally,
I still haven't brought myself to revenge,
Intentionally bring myself to cause harm,
But don't mess with the emotions of love I feel,
I feel things greatly,
By now you should be able to tell quite well,
But don't mess with the emotions of love I feel,
I  might snap so badly and go crazy,
Doesn't love make you go crazy?
I fall in love greatly with as simple things as coffee,
The greater the love the greater the crazy,
And my crazy is not acted out like that of the superficial,
Throwing tantrums and getting punishment done,
Mine comes slowly like a horrible disease does,
Enough to make you so weak for a while before you learn and heal,
So please those that I love are off limits,
Mine comes slowly like a horrible disease does,
Those are the parts that I do want forgotten completely,
But they will be happen I hope you know,
In limits for I am human and I know very well,
That life does not just end here,
I crave eternity like every human does,
Eternity here as legacy and eternity there,
Although according to my religion I don't enjoy eternity from effort,
I enjoy my eternity from my belief,
And for that I don't want to be such a bad boy here on earth,
Just like the events after a cocktail,
I want some parts about me forgotten,
Even by Santa when he delivers gifts,
Even by my girlfriends when she delivers gifts,
Unless she ones to hand cuff as a bad boy,

Just like the events during a cocktail,
When the glass is half emptied by you,
The point where you are tipsy and friendly,
Ready to dance and share happiness,
I want to leave this world with gifts,
Like drunk dancing often do when they leave clubs,
I don't care whether am remembered much,
After generations and generations to come,
But being remembered by a generation is good enough,
But more than being remembered,
I want to be the reason why the world,
Feels so blessed cause of the gifts I leave it,
I want to leave hearts feeling warmer,
And not numbers in the hundreds,
Numbers in the billions and trillions,
I intend to make trillions by the way,
In raw cash to fly me all around the world,
But still I intent to feed trillions,
In hungry mouths and war injured hearts,
Even at this very moment in time,
When I feel trillions are quite a distant away from me,
I imagine myself right at the end of life,
Seeing smiles from kids all over the world,
A trillion smiles am directly responsible for,
And I do promise you that I'd be happier,
Than if I had trillions in banks and safes,
At this time and age you know,
Fast cars and designer bags carry the day,
Like doing as the Romans do when in Rome,
I feel sometime a few years from now I will be different,
Like Romans in Rome can influence foreigners,
From what made them them to a different them,
I feel the world will influence me out of myself,
I hope I will read this when am lost tomorrow,
Lost in this society of designer bags and fast cars,
Un-remembering of what makes me me today,
Blogger says that this web address will live forever,
So this words are set in stone I hope,
Like a letter to the older me this is,
I don't want to be lying on my cold casket,
Dead and cold and unable to move my eyes,
seeing a trillion kids sad troubled and un-smiling,
Yet seeing a trillion in safes banks bonds and shares,
Even worse, seeing no trillion anything anywhere,
No trillion smiling kids or trillions in banks,

Just like a cocktail I want to have fun,
Lying there cold on that cold bed in a tie,
Or a polo shirt if I end up that good at golf,
I hope I will see half little smiles splash,
Mixed with the bitter tears that pour like rain,
Besides even the sweetest of cocktails hide a bitterness,
Those little smiles shall not be ones from people,
Who go like Good he is dead now,
Though I want some of those too,
In fact many of those though,
Cause am sometimes greedy like that,
And the heights I intend to reach,
Will have to come with haters,
Besides sometimes I love to fight,
Those little smiles from sobbing hearts,
Will be acknowledgments of the times we shared,
You see I am as human as human is,
Even might be more human than humans are,
For I love people you know,
So much sometimes I have more than one girlfriend at a go,
I love people and the people I love love me,
Even if they do not I still love people so much,
I choose not to be an accountant cause I want people,
Not numbers and balance sheets that's shit,
That's why I half dropped my computer engineering,
You see a lawyer will always meet people,
Or have you ever seen a machine walk into a lawyers office?
Do not try to be my friend though,
I choose my friends they don't choose me,
Do not try to be my friend though,
I might leave you feeling so down,
You might run and be an accountant somewhere,
Even if you are not a math genius like they are,
Like a cocktail is remembered for the party it produced,
I hope when I lie there still and breathless,
I will see the moments I shared with lives,
The moments we shared with everyone who was someone to me,
Even God knew how pointless this world can be,
But he told us to be human and enjoy what he has created,
What's wrong with enjoying his most best creation?
The adventures of new countries visited,
The amounts of sex I will have with my wife,
The baby feed from mugo-lets on my backseat,
I want to live in ways cocktails have in parties,
Since before glasses where invented even,
I want to live a long party  like that,

I can promise you this now,
My life shall not be simple,
A cocktail isn't simple,
Heck even rain is not simple,
All that process involved,
Fuming water rising as steam,
Impregnated clouds in the sky,
Breaking their water and showering,
Rain that makes seeds grow,
My life shall not be simple,
Even rain is not leave alone cocktails,
my life will be full like a cocktail,
With the partying alcohol in it,
With the lovable chocolate in it,
Chocolate produces chemicals you known,
The same ones for falling in love,
My favorite cocktail does have chocolate,
My life shall not be simple,
My life shall be like a cocktail,
With water life giving water,
That will leave the gift of growth,
To the world in the trillions,
My life shall be about relations,
Friends family and lovers,
Amongst others why not?
I told you I love people dint I?
Aren't cocktails natural ice breakers,
Doesn't a good cocktail have that little straw,
That everyone uses to share in taste of the life in it?
Good cocktails always have a round round the table,
Shared in sip unlike those other ordered simple drinks,
That remain seated unfinished unshared at one spot,
I guess I will get out of the house more and share life,
Like a good cocktail is shared,
My life shall not be simple,
Like those of diamond hunters,
All they do is treasure hunt,
Regardless of hearts,
No time for there kids,
All they do is create cocktail glasses,
Those glasses that look like diamond,
Not knowing that the joy of diamonds,
Is the cocktail drink that sparkles,
In the cocktail glasses themselves,
Shared by hearts and family,
But like cocktails aren't cheap,
I will hunt for diamonds like my bloodlines have,
Letting me living needing nothing growing up,
Not squandering but expanding the gold they find,
Nothing for me never being out of dads reach to get,
Nothing will be too far from reach for my kids for me,
Diamonds like cocktail glasses I will hunt for,
And if I don't I will definitely make them somehow,
Buy for a penny less and sell for a penny more,
And still find the time to sip that cocktail,
With everyone's that's someone in my life,

Is you life simple or a cocktail?
Everyone dies but not everyone lives,
Can't wait to try that Chocolate Orgasm cocktail again,
Enigma's finest cocktail it is,
Seated in that club,
On those black leather seats,
I look at that chocolate orgasm cocktail,
And I feel alive,
It reminds me of me,
Can't wait to taste it again,
Do you know another club that serves it?


Saturday, 7 May 2011

Valentines 13th February

Valentines is on fourteenth,
All of us do know this,
She showed up at my door step,
Am not sure if we were dating yet,
I had started to love her,
Love her in the way,
That I started to prone my life,
Like it were a rose plant,
Plucking all the leaves off,
Plucking all the roses out,
All the other roses,
Just living that white one,
That one white one that was her,
You see when we met she was pure,
I poked her flower to red,
So that she was my red rose,
At least she was becoming,
She showed up at my door,
She always did spend time with me,
We always did things together,
It was as if we were almost married,
I had the best day ever that day,
Think of your best day,
Close your eyes and feel it,
Then think it a milli times better,
And now you know how mine was,
All thanks to her,
This day was different,
I had begun to love her greatly,
She should up at my place,
Where we always met,
If we were not having breakfast,
Somewhere fancy with good seats,
We were just the two of us sitting close,
She should up at my place,
Ready to party,
Let loose,
With me,
She brought me a bottle of liquor,
I was so excited,
For the first time,
She got me something sweet,
I felt I was her honey,
I felt even more in love,
You know what alcohol does,
It makes as more daring,
We were happy,
We laughed that day,
Until the liquor was done,
Empty glasses and bottles,
The bed part was what crowned the day,
What creamed it in fact,
She felt magical,
Until she got so wasted,
She had to go to the bathroom,
To let out the excess alcohol,
In a manner we all are familiar with,
It was such a turn off,
But when she came back,
All freshened up,
I think she was so high,
She cared not,
Of whatever I thought,
But what she would feel,
When I was back in her,
Like I was back in her,
We turned like water drops,
Fitting into whatever position with capacity,
To hold the pleasure we had,
Like perfume fits into whatever bottle,
We fitted into whatever Pleasure wanted us to,
We jumped up and down like springs,
We pumped each other like pistons,
Like fast racing ferraris,
Only that the finish line was an orgasm,
But when we reached the finish point,
We did not stop,
Even to take a break,
We raced again and again,
We raced more and more,
My engine exploded again and again,
I did not stop,
She did not stop,
Even for a second,
We crossed the finish line a thousand times,
And a thousand times again,
And every time we crossed it,
we felt the screams of ecstasy,
We took it all,
All the pleasure in the world,
We felt it all,
In orgasms,
We pumped each other,
Oh we did,
Like water pumps,
Running on electricity,
Electricity was us,
And when her lightening stopped,
She glowed,
I thundered,
I never so her happier,
She turned,
We spooned,
Then I poked her,
Again and again,
At first as play,
Then for real,
As we spooned,
She didn't move much,
She tried to talk a little,
I moved most,
It was slow,
But to me I felt close,
Most at love,
Screwing her like that,
All the parts I like about her,
Were within reach,
My fingers cupped her like a bra,
Both hands,
I touched her heart,
Her booty,
That large one over flowed,
From my thigh to my lower stomach,
In a rhythm we danced,
Slowly like the romantic parts,
In a movie,
It all came to an end,
At the end of the day,
It's been over a year now,
But I still reflect,
Of the beautiful experience,
But today I thought of it different,
It was the 13th of February,
13th is an unlucky day isn't it?
Did she ask someone to be her valentine?
The day before valentines?
Did that someone tell her no?
Turn her down?
Was that why she showed up randomly?
On the morning of 13th?
The day before valentines?
With cheap liquor?
Claiming it was mine?
Then swallowing it all,
To drawn her sorrows?
Did she think about him?
When she fcuked me?
Was I her toy?
In my moment of peak love?
She showed up late on actual valentine,
Where was she?
If I wasn't her first option,
her first option turned her down?
was she with her second option early valentines day?
Was I a date after a date on valentine the 14th?
Why was I so naive,
To believe her like such,
She told the world she was a red rose already,
Then made me believe that I plucked her flower red,
Why was I so naive,
I love to spoon and pump,
I learnt it that day with her,
I learnt it out of love,
I've never felt closer to any human,
Than when I did that with her,
Is it the reason why I still spoon like that?
With every girl I imagine close?
She has ruined me a lot that girl,
She is the reason,
Am like this!

That No One Reads It

I want someone I shouldn't,
I feel I can force myself,
To stop to feel,
Forget all about her,
At least that's what I believe,
There is always the possibility,
That I can't stop to feel her,
That it is out of my control,
Like rain and sunshine are,
It can only be a sexual thing,
But also a little more,
If anything were to happen.
It is very very wrong to have her,
It's not right at all,
If we are ever caught,
It will be one very big mess,
Bigger than peeing on yourself,
Publicly at your age right now,
It would be one very big mess,
Like the filled rubber you used,
Splashed on the floor,
Can I really stop?
Thinking about her,
Playing dress up,
Like a little girl,
To wear just the right shirt?
On the day I see her,
I think I let myself fall,
For her, I think I did,
When I let myself think of her,
Just a little bit,
Let myself feel,
My heart rising beat when she is close,
Let myself start to entertain thoughts,
Of us meeting in private,
I think I let myself fall,
When I let myself start to think,
I like to believe I can stop,
Like you would like to believe you can stop,
Engaging in that nasty habit you do,
Did I really let myself feel?
If I didn't let myself feel?
If I did not entertain those thoughts?
Would I have prevented this fantasies,
So grown now they are so detailed,
I see her lipstick on my shirt,
I ask her to leave intentionally,
I see her pieces of indecent clothing,
With her bodily scent she leaves on them,
Imagine her naked underneath,
Me with her indecent clothing in my pocket,
I know we cannot be,
We shouldn't even be,
But am thinking about her bra,
And her boobs,
I know I can stop,
Or is it that I like to believe I can stop?
As false hope am in control,
Of the things I feel,
Whereas I cannot stop?
But I don't want to stop,
Not even a bit,
I know nothing can come of it,
Heck I don't even know if she notices,
That I don't look at her like I used to,
I look at her with more dreamy eyes,
Those eyes that are as soft as cream,
That unbutton her slowly,
With trembling hands,
in excitement,
and desire,
I imagine sending emails,
I imagine exchanging jewelry,
Privately that is,
For we can't be more than,
People who enjoy each other,
An affair that breeds nothing,
Not quite an affair though,
That word already makes me feel dead guilty,
Something sexual mostly,
But gifts are exchanged,
Feelings are felt in unison,
But not so much that it's too much,
A togetherness of sort,
Her company,
Short timed,
On a clock stop,
I wish we could exchange jewelry,
I would buy her a watch more pricey than mine,
Am sure she would reciprocate too,
Pricer than all cars at a packing lot,
All in a jewel so small,
That's why a diamond is,
The ultimate symbol of passion,
To blow an year's salary on a rock so small,
Yet so beautiful,
Such craziness is prove that,
Nothing is as precious as the moments we share,
Besides we are a secret,
We would be a secret I mean,
If she should give me a piece,
It should be so small,
Almost un seeable,
That I will have with me everyday,
That she would have on her everyday,
It's the only way I can spoil her,
So it should be a diamond,
I guess I will not be buying a washing machine,
I guess I wont pay my television subscription,
Exchanging small gifts,
Ornaments and sculptures,
It would be our thing,
Privately we would,
And when we are finally on a bed,
It can't be hers cause of the risk,
It can't be mine we might be seen,
But we would find a way I know,
And it would be beautiful,
I would give it to her the best way ever,
Not the best way I know,
The best way known,
I shouldn't entertain such thoughts,
But I feel good when I do,
It's very different,
It makes my blood rush,
It makes me a complete rash,
Does she notice?
Will she notice?
That I wear that shirt for her,
Did she dress like that for me?
Did she steal glances of me?
Did she notice I wanted to be caught,
For that micro second,
With my eyes set first on her boobs,
Am not going to try too hard,
Am going to try just a bit,
Am not going to make the first move,
Am not going to be the rotten apple,
Am going to be the red apple,
The temptation,
If she falls,
Then I will not fight,
I will fall on her too,
I will fall in her too,
In the most pleasurable way,
If she does not fall,
Then I will play the game,
The one I am not sure whether it's all in my mind,
Am I playing it alone?
Or whether she is playing it too,
Playing this thrilling game,
Of trying to be the red apple,
Trying to seduce the other,
If she does not fall,
It will all be good too,
For we wouldn't have done wrong,
We should not do wrong,
And she is bad for me,
And I bad for her,
We would ruin a lot,
If we were ever caught,
Word always outs you know,
Am not ready to face the consequences,
Although she would face them more than I would,
Or I might face them more than she does,
Can I really resist her?
Will I resist falling on her,
If the opportunity cums?
Yes I know what I said,
If the opportunity cums,
It has to have the same feelings of an orgasm,
So, will I resist falling in her?
If the opportunity cums?
I wouldn't dare write this,
But am writing it? 
Aren't I?
Very proudly I am,
Just like I have already fallen a bit,
By letting me write this,
I might fall even more,
By not being able to,
Not fall on her,
Maybe she too is playing the game,
Of temptation,
Being a red apple,
Making herself as appealing as possible,
Waiting for me to be the bad person,
And approach her in a desiring manner,
I would love to believe that,
It flirters me a lot,
When you look at someone in that manner,
Its always beautiful to know that,
She looks at you in the same manner,
When I breath hard when she walks by,
I would like to believe I also cause,
An effect on her even the slightest,
But I hope it is so great,
That she can't stop herself in the morning,
When she looks herself in the mirror,
And decide what shoes to wear,
As to whether I will like them or not,
I hope she is trying to be an apple for me,
I hope she will make the first move,
Then again I hope she doesn't,
It's like am just letting decisions make themselves,
Perhaps she is too,
Just being an apple,
Being as desirable as ever,
Hoping things escalate,
Yet hoping they do not,
Choosing to be dormant,
Just to melt at each other,
But being dormant,
Whatever happens happens,
I hope this is long enough,
That no one reads it,
Cause we are so wrong,
We are so wrong,

Friday, 6 May 2011

How Do You Know You Are Loved?

I got to say this in under thirty minutes,
I need to read for my property theory cat,
If I don't the marks I get will be embarrassing,
For that's what cats do most perfectly,
Not test your knowledge as they should,
Just embarrass you as they shouldn't,
So no editing about anything,
My spellings will go unchecked,
Just like some of her text go unread,
they are too many that's why,
I know she loves me,
She is from Mombasa,
She calls me everyday,
I mean every single day,
Not once or twice,
More times,
Most of her calls I don't pick up,
would you pick up all those calls?
She loves me,
That's how I know,
She wants to be in a relationship with me,
Which ever way it will work,
Even if it's just though the phone,
She wants us to be in a relationship,
She wants us to relate in whatever way,
Do you relate?

She wants me, oh yes she does,
She wants my voice all the time,
Always excited when I pick up,
Even though I say goodbye first,
And she complains she is the one who called me,
That she should be the one saying goodbye,
Just cause I initiate shag,
Does that mean I should continue until...regardless of her?
I also have a say on when our phone calls end,
Even when she does call,
But I don't argue about that much,
When you sense someone loves you,
You put aside what you think are your rights,
When she loves you she craves all your senses,
Her body aches for your touch,
She aches to be seen by you,
Like when she gets a new dress,
She aches to see you all times,
She wants to hear how you have been,

Mugo you are the best,
Mugo you are the best,
Mugo you are the best,
That's the way she screamed one afternoon,
With her legs wide and me between them,
She screamed that and touched my back,
To pull me a little closer,
So that I could get in deeper,
I under performed beautifully,
Poured out all the seeds in my balls,
You would have too,
Her words made my heart beat prematurely,
They even made me orgasm prematurely,
Sometimes somethings are beyond your power,
Even that day she didn't seem to notice she dint cum,
When one loves you they forget themselves so naturally,
You find you are the only one cumming,

She loves me that girl,
And this is how I know,
Every time she was here she feed me,
She bothered everyone at home,
I think she must have,
So that she learns how to cook,
And when she cooked for me,
I saw how one can get fat,
If I ever opened my window,
The aroma of her food would beckon the neighbors cats,
If I did dare open both windows,
Even the cats from the next estate will come,
She always wants to find a way,
Whatever way,
To make me love her,
She loves me,
I almost feel in love when I tasted her,
Sorry, I mean her food!

She loves me I know she does,
This is how I know she does,
If right now I were to vanish,
Elope with another girl,
Or run away all together,
Perhaps after I fail property law exam,
Which I hope I wouldn't fail,
She will be the first to know,
I swear she will look for me so much,
My mother will feel a challenge,
There are these girls that claim they love you,
They are such a class act,
Some I do believe,
But this girl I know it's for real,
Unlike those other girls,
That have seasons for loving me,
They love me for a while,
They crave my senses for a while,
They touch there hair unintentionally to groom themselves,
They play with their necklace subconsciously,
They seek my attention naturally,
They seek to look their best unknowingly,
Laughing a little louder when am around,
Finding the seat closest to me discreetly,
They crave my senses for a while,
After some time they go quiet,
As if they are having an affair,
They don't have time for me like she does,
If I make a date with her,
No matter what day,
Even during exam week,
She tries to push exams into her schedule,
She doesn't push me into her schedule,
I already fit in it,
I don't need to be squeezed like exam,
Am always in her schedule,
Even when we I stand her up,
Even when we aren't to meet,
Am in her schedule,
Other things can fit in after me,
That's why she never gives me a no,
That's why she keeps complaining she is late,
That she would get into trouble,
If she doesn't leave for home that time,
Yet she is the one that suggest,
At that very moment hours passed her curfew,
That she has an idea I would love,
Takes my navy blue polka dotted tie,
And tie it round my eyes,
Ties up both my hands and legs,
Then starts with a lap dance...
I can't tell you the rest you know,
Too intense...
Just to intense...

That's how I know she loves me.

I could say more you know,
But it's heading to fourty minutes now,
I had only thirty minutes you know,
To right this,
I need to start reading,
Or else my cat results will embarrass me so much,
I will have to run away from town,
And I don't want to cause her anguish,
In looking for me,
I already have cause her enough pain,
By not giving her a relationship,
For that am sorry love.

That's how I know she loves me,
How do you know you are loved?